Isomorphic Keyboard Layout
Isomorphic keyboards are musical keyboard layouts that have consistent intervals between keys. Each note in a row (x axis) is one semitone apart and every row (y axis) is 5 semitones apart (a perfect fourth). This means that chords always have the same shape, irrespective of where they are played on the keyboard.
I've been enjoying playing around with a Synthstrom Deluge (an all-in-one box of magic โจ), which includes an isomorphic keyboard, so I wanted to create this page as an easy reference for myself and others that might benefit from it.
So here's a visual reference for an Isomorphic keyboard like the one seen on the Deluge, and the shape of the different triads. Click on any of the chord types below to see the chord shape on the keyboard:
Note that here the colored notes illustrate the key of C major. This helps to know which notes are in the scale. Different notes would be colored/illuminated if in a different key.
For a video explanation of it all, I recommend this excellent one from Olivier Ozoux.