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    C Major Scale on Piano & Guitar + Chords in the Key of C Major

    ๐Ÿ‘‘ Here's a majestic C major scale reference which shows the notes, finger position on the piano keyboard, intervals, scale degrees, diatonic chords and common chord progressions in C major.

    ๐ŸŽธ You'll also find the C major scale on the guitar fretboard.

    The C major scale is a diatonic scale consisting of the pitches C, D, E, F, G, A and B. It's one of the most important scales in Western music, and it serves as the basis for the construction of many other scales and modes.

    The C major scale has no accidentals (sharps or flats), making all of its notes natural notes.

    Given that it has no accidentals and that the C major scale is simply all the white keys on a piano keyboard, it's an easy scale to learn, especially on the piano.

    โ†’ go to all major & minor scales

    The notes of the C major scale are C, D, E, F, G, A and B

    The relative minor of the C major scale is A minor

    C major scale piano layout & finger position

    Here's a piano keyboard showing the notes of the C major scale, followed by a visual for the finger position on the piano. Hit play to hear the notes of the C major scale up and down:

    • C
    • D
    • E
    • F
    • G
    • A
    • B
    • C

    left hand

    right hand

    C Major Scale on Guitar

    ๐ŸŽธ Here you'll find a guitar fretboard representation with the notes of the C major scale , using standard guitar tuning: E A D G B E. You can show all notes, only the root notes, the intervals or the scale degrees:


    You can also highlight specific scale positions on the guitar fretboard for the C major scale, using the CAGED system or the Three Notes Per String system (TNPS):


    Chords in the key of C major
    (C major diatonic chords)

    The diatonic chords in the key of C major are: C major, D minor, E minor, F major, G major, A minor and B diminished

    Tap or use numbers 1 through 7 to trigger the chords. You can also tap to trigger the chord inversions or the 7th chords. This tool can be used as a chord progression generator.

    Common chord progressions in the key of C major

    Here's list of popular major key chord progressions along with the specific chords they represent in the key of C major. Again, you can use numbers 1 through 7 on your keyboard to trigger the different chords:

    I C maj
    IV F maj
    V G maj
    I C maj
    vi A min
    ii D min
    V G maj
    vi A min
    IV F maj
    I C maj
    V G maj
    I C maj
    iii E min
    IV F maj
    V G maj
    I C maj
    IV F maj
    vi B min
    V G maj
    ii D min
    V G maj
    I C maj
    I C maj
    vi A min
    IV F maj
    V G maj
    I C maj
    IV F maj
    ii D min
    V G maj
    iii E min
    vi A min
    ii D min
    V G maj
    I C maj
    V G maj
    vi A min
    IV F maj
    I C maj
    IV F maj
    V G maj
    I C maj
    I C maj
    V G maj
    ii D min
    iii E min

    Toggle C major scale intervals & scale degrees

    degrees notes intervals
    1: Tonic C Unison
    2: Supertonic D Major 2nd
    3: Mediant E Major 3rd
    4: Subdominant F Perfect 4th
    5: Dominant G Perfect 5th
    6: Submediant A Major 6th
    7: Leading Tone B Major 7th
    1: Octave/Tonic C Perfect 8th

    Popular Songs in the Key of C Major

    • Imagine by John Lennon
    • Another Brick in the Wall by Pink Floyd
    • Losing My Religion by R.E.M.
    • Changes by Black Sabbath
    • Dirty Diana by Michael Jackson
    • Heaven by Bryan Adams
    • Walking in Memphis by Marc Cohn
    • All The Small Things by Blink-182
    • Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen

    Major scale formula

    ๐Ÿ”ง The major scales are constructed using this note pattern:

    • W-W-H-W-W-W-H

    W = Whole step   H = Half step

    go to a different major or minor scale:

    Cโ™ฏ majorDโ™ญ majorD majorEโ™ญ majorE majorF majorFโ™ฏ majorGโ™ญ majorG majorAโ™ญ majorA majorBโ™ญ majorB majorCโ™ญ major

    C minor Cโ™ฏ minor Dโ™ญ minorD minorDโ™ฏ minorEโ™ญ minorE minorF minorFโ™ฏ minorG minorGโ™ฏ minorAโ™ญ minorA minorAโ™ฏ minorBโ™ญ minorB minor

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    Circle of fifths with major and minor keys