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    A minor Chord (Am) & A minor 7th (Am7) on Piano & Guitar

    A piano keyboard reference for the A minor chord, abbreviated as Am or Amin.

    The A minor triad consists of the notes A, C and E. The 2 inversions to the A minor triad are C E A and E A C.

    The A minor 7th chord, abbreviated as Am7 or Amin7, has the notes A, C, E and G. The 3 inversions to the A minor 7th chord are C E G A, E G A C and G A C E.

    The intervals of the A minor chord are the root (A) , minor third (C) and perfect fifth (E). With the A minor 7th chord, there's an additional minor seventh (G).

    🎸 You can also jump to guitar chord diagrams for the A minor and A minor7th chords in common positions on the guitar fretboard. You'll find both open chords and/or barre chords.

    The A minor chord is a diatonic chord in the following keys:

    • The i chord in the key of A minor
    • The iv chord in the key of E minor
    • The v chord in the key of A minor
    • The ii chord in the key of G major
    • The iii chord in the key of F major
    • The vi chord in the key of C major

    A minor Chord on Piano

    A minor chord

    notes: A C E

    • A
    • C
    • E

    A minor 1st inversion

    notes: C E A

    • C
    • E
    • A

    A minor 2nd inversion

    notes: E A C

    • E
    • A
    • C

    A minor 7th chord

    notes: A C E G

    • A
    • C
    • E
    • G

    A minor 7th 1st inversion

    notes: C E G A

    • C
    • E
    • G
    • A

    A minor 7th 2nd inversion

    notes: E G A C

    • E
    • G
    • A
    • C

    A minor 7th 3rd inversion

    notes: G A C E

    • G
    • A
    • C
    • E

    🎸 A minor Chord Guitar Diagrams

    Below you'll find guitar chord diagrams for common chord positions of the A minor chord and the A minor 7th chord, along with finger positions or note names.


    A minor 7th Guitar Chords

    1 Index finger
    2 Middle finger
    3 Ring finger
    4 Pinky

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